Erp | Headquarters

Hoogven 10
5469 EM Erp
The Netherlands
+31 413 217 217

Erp | The Factory

Molentiend 13
5469 EJ Erp
The Netherlands
+31 413 217 217

Erp | Van den Bosch Academy

Bussele 30
5469 DT Erp
The Netherlands
+31 413 217217

Technical Department Europoort

Haven 6211
3198 LB Europoort
The Netherlands
+31 413 217 217

The Netherlands

Erp | Headquarters
Erp | The Factory
Erp | Van den Bosch Academy
Technical Department Europoort

Tank Cleaning Tema

Industrial Area Plot A/3/A
Fishing Harbour road Tema
+233 24 432 3961

Birmingham | Van den Bosch Transport Ltd.

Chamberlaine square Cs 1
B3 3AX Birmingham
United Kingdom
+44 121 459 5296

Barcelona | Van den Bosch Iberia S.L.

Feixa Llarga 21
08040 Barcelona
+34 932 64 88 88

Tank Cleaning Abidjan

Yopougon ZI 26 BP
1261 Abidjan
Côte d'Ivoire

Lidköping | Van den Bosch Transport AB

Änghagsgatan 13
531 40 Lidköping
+46 510 10580

Kranenburg | Van den Bosch Transporte GmbH

Im Hammereisen 27a
47559 Kranenburg

Van den Bosch Company Services BV - Filiale Italiana

Centro Direzionale Colleoni, Via Paracelso 26 (Office 309-308-307)
20864 Agrate Brianza

Günskirchen | Van den Bosch Transporte GmbH

Offenhausenerstraße 12
4623 Gunskirchen
+43 72 468 712

Székesfehérvár | Van den Bosch Transport Kft.

Székesfehérvár 8000
Börgöndi út 14. Székesfehérvár
+36 30 6139 540

Dubai | Van den Bosch DMCC

Mazaya Business Avenue
PO BOX 393926 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
+971 4 456 2977


Click on one of the locations for more information..

  • The Netherlands 4
  • Tank Cleaning Tema
  • Birmingham | Van den Bosch Transport Ltd.
  • Barcelona | Van den Bosch Iberia S.L.
  • Tank Cleaning Abidjan
  • Lidköping | Van den Bosch Transport AB
  • Kranenburg | Van den Bosch Transporte GmbH
  • Van den Bosch Company Services BV - Filiale Italiana
  • Günskirchen | Van den Bosch Transporte GmbH
  • Székesfehérvár | Van den Bosch Transport Kft.
  • Dubai | Van den Bosch DMCC


Short lines of communication and informal character. No hierarchy, but room for new ideas, personal ambition and development. In our dynamic world of bulk logistics, there’s always plenty to do. Do you want a job, have questions about a vacancy, or would you like more information about working at Van den Bosch? Please contact us at or (+31) 413-217 217.

Jim Hillekens

Jim Hillekens

HR business partner

The first point of contact for management and employees of the various departments and divisions. As HR business partner, Jim implements our HR policy on a daily basis. He is responsible for your personal development as an employee.

Mail me
(+31) 413 - 217 217
Allisha Theuwis

Allisha Theuwis

HR business partner

The first point of contact for management and employees of the various departments and divisions. As a HR business partner, Allisha implements our HR policy on a daily basis. She is responsible for your personal development as an employee.
Mail me
(+31) 413 - 217 217
Niels Reijnen

Niels Reijnen

HR Director

Responsible for our Human Resources department. Niels strives to provide maximum support to the organisation and its employees in achieving their goals. In doing so, we make you grow and live up to our core values of passion, expertise, innovation and ambition.

Mail me
(+31) 413 - 217 217
Theo van Helvoort

Theo van Helvoort

Manager Driver Academy

Responsible for developing and expanding our vision and goals in terms of training and learning. As Manager Driver Academy, Theo is responsible for training all existing and new Van den Bosch drivers & subcontractors.

Mail me
(+31) 413 - 217 217

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